Saturday, January 20, 2018

A Glimpse Into the Future (I Hope)

I spent much of this morning as a judge in the Mount Vernon H.S. Debate Tournament. It didn't take long to realize I was wrong about something. Being a middle school teacher and seeing so many lazy kids with little/no work ethic, I've been worried about our country's future. But, after seeing so many kids from Skagit, Snohomish, and King County areas, along with our government on lockdown because of our pathetic excuse for national leadership, I've had a new thought. I'm much more concerned with our present. (Of course, I've had a similar fear since November 2016.)
These high school freshmen, sophomores, juniors, and seniors are truly amazing. Depending on their event, they came in cold, either not knowing their topic, or which side they would need to present and debate, or both. These teenagers worked together and alone, presented competent claims, asked and answered valid, thoughtful questions, respectfully disagreed, and did so in front of strangers. Every single teenager was well dressed, respectful, and impressive.
These kids spent several hours last night and ALL day today doing this. I was exhausted after two judging sessions and selling concessions last night and today. These are teenagers, choosing to spend their Friday and Saturday doing this because they are hard workers, talented, and they give a damn about what they are doing.
I kept thinking, why can't our supposed real leaders do this? Instead of bitching and moaning and lying for months upon months and waiting until the very last minute to try to work out a deal, what if they showed the same resolve and work ethic as these teens? What if instead of blaming the other side, they actually worked together when it's not forced upon them? What if they spent their time researching actual facts instead of harassing women and lying about it? What if Democratic leaders spent their time on anything else than bashing Trump? What if Republican leaders gave a damn about someone who isn't a millionaire and white? What if both parties quit acting like childr--wait...What if they started acting like the teenagers I saw this weekend?
Every student I saw speak today was well prepared and spoke passionately about their topic. Meaning they most likely read the entire report/research they chose to talk about, where our supposed actual leaders vote on tax reform that impacts every American one way or another without actually reading the entire document. Why? Because Republicans worked behind closed doors, alone, and rammed it down their comrades' throats at the last minute. Every single adult leader seems more concerned with their own political party. Whereas every single teenager seemed to care about making a solid case, based on reason and research.
These teens treated their opponents with respect and spoke to them politely. There was no patronizing, exaggerating, or lying. There was no effort to demean the other side. Instead, they listened to their opponent and responded to their point, argument, or question. In short, they followed the rules. Can you imagine Congress doing that? Me either. 

I had to choose a winning side each time. Not one teenager who lost complained about it, or blamed the opposing side. I gave notes on positives of their speech/debate and what I thought could be improved. Every teenager accepted my points graciously. Not one of them said it was a "fake analysis". Not one of them blamed anyone else. They nodded, smiled, thanked me, and left the room. Most of them left to complete another speech or debate. Some did this six times today, not including last night's events.
I have complete confidence that these teenagers are destined for great things. They have the work ethic, the appreciation of the process, and the respect of everyone else involved. Meanwhile, in Washington D.C., we seemingly have the opposite.
Typically, I am in no hurry for time to move any faster. I have kids and I am old enough as it is. I'm in no hurry for my kids to leave or for me to get any older, fatter, or greyer. But, if any of the teenagers I saw this weekend decide to go into politics, I say the sooner the better.