Some twelve-year-old punk in Las Vegas saw a police motorcycle parked on a sidewalk outside a mini-mart. He waited for the cop to come out with his soda and then walked up to him while filming. He asked the policeman why he was parked on the sidewalk. Then he asked for the cop's badge number. Not surprisingly, the policeman wants to know why.
"Because I have the right to."
And the cop has the right not to give it to a twelve-year-old punk who's filming him. What police officer in his/her right mind would give a badge number to anyone while they're being recorded on a public street? Would you give your phone number and address to someone under the same circumstances?
What bothers me the most about this is that most people commenting on YouTube are praising the kid. Apparently, he has "guts" and "bravery". Uh, no. The cop has guts and bravery. He's a policeman in Las Vegas. I can't imagine the kind of crap this man sees on and off duty in that town on a daily basis. In my opinion, he can park wherever the hell he wants. He can park on Wayne Newton's hair piece for all I care.
The cop is being called arrogant and disrespectful because he parked on a sidewalk for the amount of time it took him to buy a soda. Really? Maybe the cop parked on the sidewalk to avoid taking up a legitimate parking spot. How many times have we fell for the mirage of an empty parking spot only to see it's taken up by some damn motorcycle. Personally, I'd prefer it if more motorcycles parked on sidewalks. More parking spots for the rest of us. Even if he did park on the sidewalk to save time, I don't care. He didn't set up a speed trap or a drug buy or sting operation while parked there. He bought a soda. Stop the presses.
The boy is also being praised for being polite. Please. Was the kid swearing or yelling? No. That doesn't mean he isn't a punk. I'm guessing he sees the bike parked there and thinks he can make a cop look foolish on video. Apparently, he was right. Which is just pathetic. I'm all for catching a cop for breaking the law. Film a bunch of cops beating an unarmed suspect. Damn straight. Record a policeman receiving a bribe. Absolutely. Film a cop stealing drugs or weapons. Well done. Film a cop soliciting a prostitute. Fine. But, this nowhere near that. This is sad.
Why do cops wear guns and tasers and mace and bulletproof vests? Because they could be gunned down eating lunch in a diner in Tacoma, Washington like four officers were a few years back. They can be killed on a routine traffic stop that seems to happen every freaking month. They can be killed trying to help during a domestic call. They can be killed trying to stop a robbery like my great grandfather in Seattle. They show up for work and can be attacked and killed a hundred different ways. They know this and they still do it. For us. But, we applaud some punk who films a cop getting a Pepsi and returning to his illegally parked bike? This is what we care about? Seriously?
Since this kid is so concerned with the law, I'm sure he won't mind being ticketed every time he jaywalks. Or is out after curfew. Or disposes of used batteries improperly. I'm sure he won't mind if his parents are ticketed for speeding. Every day. After all, the police have that right. Don't they, kid?
Whatever does happen, he brought it on himself. He broke the cardinal rule of his own town. What happens in Vegas stays in Vegas.
At least it should have.